Devlin publications
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Page Contents

  1. Peer Reviewed Publications
  2. Editorials, Opinions, Features
  3. Papers submitted
  4. Papers in Preparation
  5. Books and Technical Reports
  6. Conference Proceedings and Presentations
  7. Posters
  8. Shortcourses

Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Shaw, J., Devlin, J.F., Rudolph, D., P. Schillig, P. 2023. Extended pilot test of a cross-injection in situ denitrification system for pre-emptive treatment of municipal well water. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 256, 104196.
  2. Heyer, B.R., Osorno, T.C., Carrera, B.A., Mok, C.M.W., Devlin, J.F. 2022. Water flux profiling in fractured rock boreholes with an In-Well Point Velocity Probe (IWPVP). Journal of Hydrology, 613, 128383.
  3. Osorno, T.C., Devlin, J.F., Bohling, G. 2022. Geostatistics of the Borden aquifer: High-Resolution Characterization using Direct Groundwater Velocity Measurements. Water Resources Research, v. 58, e2020WR029034.
  4. Heyer, B.R., Osorno, T.C., Devlin, J.F. 2021. Laboratory testing of real-time flux measurements in fractured media. Journal of Hydrology. v.601, 126639.
  5. Cormican, A., Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T.C., and Divine,C. 2021. Design, Testing, and Implementation of a Real-Time System for Monitoring Flow in Horizontal Wells. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 238, 103772.
  6. Stevenson, D., Solano, F., Wei, Y., Thomson, N.R., Barker, J.F., Devlin, J.F. 2020. Simple resistivity probe system for real-time monitoring of injected reagents. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, v. 40, no. 4, 54-66.
  7. Ottosen, C., Rønde, V., McKnight, U.S., Annable, M.D., Broholm, M., Devlin, J.F., Berg, P.L. 2020. Natural attenuation of a chlorinated ethene plume discharging to a stream: integrated assessment of hydrogeological, chemical and microbial interactions. Water Research 186, 116332.
  8. Divine,C., Wright, J., Crimi, M. Devlin, J.F., Lubrecht, M., Wang, J., McDonough, J., Kladias, M., Hinkle, J., Nzeribe, B.N., Laramay, F., Cormican, A., Osorno, T., Ombalski, D., Gerber, K., Anderson, H. 2020. Field Demonstration of the Horizontal Treatment Well (HRX Well®) for Passive In-Situ Remediation. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, v. 40, no. 3, 42-54.
  9. Cormican, A., Devlin, J.F., Divine, C. 2020. Grain size analysis and permeametry for estimating hydraulic conductivity in engineered porous media. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, v. 40, no. 2, 65-72.
  10. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T., McKnight, U., Bjerg, P. 2020. A comparison of tools and methods for estimating groundwater-surface water exchange. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, v. 40, no. 1, 24-34.
  11. Chenglong Yu, C., Devlin, J.F., Bi, E. 2019. Bonding of monocarboxylic acids, monophenols and nonpolar compounds onto goethite. Chemosphere, v. 214, 158-167.
  12. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T.C., Nairn, R.W. 2019. Assessment of bed hydraulics and metals loadings in a passive vertical flow bioreactor in Commerce, Oklahoma. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, v.39 no.3, 40-47.
  13. Divine, C.E., Wright, J., Wang, J., McDonough, J., Kladias, M., Crimi, M., Nzeribe, B.N., Devlin, J.F., Lubrecht, M., Ombalski, D., Hodge, W., Voscott, H., Gerber, K. 2018. The Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment Well (HRX Well®) for passive in situ remediation: design, implementation, and sustainability considerations. Remediation Journal, v. 28, 5-16.
  14. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., McKnight, U., Bjerg, P. 2018. Application of new point measurement device to quantify groundwater-surface water interactions. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 211, 85-93.
  15. Osorno, T., Firdous, R., Devlin, J.F. 2018. An in-well point velocity probe for the rapid characterization of groundwater velocity at the centimeter-scale. Journal of Hydrology, v. 557, 539-546.
  16. Gibson, B., Devlin, J.F. 2018. Laboratory validation of a point velocity probe for measuring horizontal flow from any direction. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 208, 10-16.
  17. Firdous, R.,Devlin, J.F.. 2018. Surface carbon influences on the reductive transformation of TCE in the presence of granular iron. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 347, 31-38.
  18. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F. 2017. Validation of a new device to quantify groundwater-surface water exchange. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 206, 75-80.
  19. Rønde, V., McKnight, U.S., Sonne A.Th., Devlin, J.F., Bjerg, P.L. 2017. Contaminant mass discharge to streams: comparing direct groundwater velocity measurements and multi-level groundwater sampling with an in-stream approach. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 206, 43-54.
  20. Walter, K., Devlin, J.F. 2017. Application of 3D printing to the manufacturing of groundwater velocity probes (PVPs). Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, doi: 10.1111/gwmr.12210, v. 37, no. 2, 71-77.
  21. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C. 2017. HydrogeoEstimatorXL: An Excel-based tool for estimating hydraulic gradient magnitude and direction. Technical Note in the Hydrogeology Journal DOI 10.1007/s10040-016-1518-4.
  22. Devlin, J.F. 2016. Reply to "Comment on "HydrogeoSieveXL: an Excel-based tool to estimate hydraulic conductivity from grain-size analysis": report published in Hydrogeology Journal (2015) 23: 837-844 by J.F. Devlin", Hydrogeology Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10040-016-1510-z.
  23. Devlin, J.F. 2016. Sensitivity analyses of the theoretical equations used in point velocity probe (PVP) data interpretation. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 192, 140-145.
  24. Schillig, P.C., Devlin, J.F., Rudolph, D. 2016. Upscaling point measurements of groundwater velocity for enhanced site characterization in a glacial outwash aquifer. Groundwater, v. 54, no. 3, 394-405.
  25. Firdous, R., Devlin, J.F. 2015. Visualizations and optimization of iron-sand mixtures for permeable reactive barriers. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, v. 35, no. 4, 78-84.
  26. Devlin, J.F. 2015. HydrogeoSieveXL: an Excel-based tool to estimate hydraulic conductivity from grain-size analysis. Hydrogeology Journal, v. 23, 837-844.
  27. Rudolph, D., Devlin, J.F., Berkeris, L. 2015. Challenges and a strategy for agricultural BMP monitoring and remediation of nitrate contamination in unconsolidated aquifers. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, v. 35, no. 1, 97-109.
  28. Schillig, P., Devlin, J.F., McElwee, C.D. Walter, K. and Gibson, B. 2014. Assessment of density-induced tracer movement in groundwater velocity measurements with point velocity probes (PVPs). Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation v. 34, no. 4, 44-50.
  29. Critchley, K., Rudolph, D., Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C. 2014. Stimulating in situ denitrification in an aerobic, highly permeable municipal drinking water aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 171, 66-80.
  30. Firdous, R., Devlin, J.F. 2014. Consideration of grain packing in granular iron treatability studies. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology v. 164, 230-239.
  31. Firdous, R., Devlin, J.F. 2014. BEARKIMPE: A VBA Excel program for characterizing granular iron in treatability studies. Computers & Geosciences, v. 63, 54-61.
  32. Bowen, I.R., Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C. 2012. Design and testing of a convenient benchtop sandbox for controlled flow experiments. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, v. 32, no. 4, 87-91.
  33. Devlin, J.F., Brookfield, A., Huang, B., Schillig, P.C. 2012. Using the Domenico solution to teach contaminant transport modeling, Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 60, no. 2, 123-132.
  34. McGlashan, M.A., Tsoflias, G.P., Schillig, P.C., Devlin, J.F., Roberts, J.A. 2012. Field GPR monitoring of biological activity in saturated porous media. Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 78, 102-112.
  35. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C., Bowen, I., Critchley, C.E., Rudolph, D.L., Thomson, N.R., Tsoflias,G.P., Roberts, J.A. 2012. Applications and implications of direct groundwater velocity measurement at the centimetre scale, Journal of Contaminant Hydrolology, v. 127, 3-14.
  36. Schillig, P., Devlin, J.F., McGlashan, M., Tsoflias, G., Roberts, J.A. 2011. Transient heterogeneity in an aquifer undergoing bioremediation of hydrocarbons. Ground Water, v. 49, no. 2, 184-196.
  37. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C., Bowen, I., Rudolph, D.L., Thomson, N.R., Tsoflias, G.P., Roberts, J.A. 2011. Applications and implications of direct groundwater velocity measurement at the centimetre scale. GQ10: Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World, Proc. 7th International Groundwater Quality Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 13-18 June 2010, 50-53.
  38. Bi, E., Devlin, J.F., Huang, B., Firdous, R. 2010. Transport and kinetic studies to characterize reactive and non-reactive sites on granular iron. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 44, no. 14, 5564-5569.
  39. Schillig, P.C., Tsoflias, G.P., Roberts, J.A., Patterson, E.M., Devlin, J.F. 2010. Ground-penetrating radar observations of enhanced biological activity in a sandbox reactor. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, G00G10, doi:10.1029/2009JG001151.
  40. Bi, E., Bowen, I., Devlin, J.F. 2009. Effect of Mixed Anions (HCO3- - SO42- - ClO4-) on Fe0 Reactivity. Environmental Science and Technology v. 43, no. 15, 5975-5981.
  41. Devlin, J.F. 2009. Development and assessment of a rate equation for chemical transformations in reactive porous media. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 43, no. 11, 4113-4118.
  42. Devlin, J.F., Tsoflias, G., McGlashan, M., Schillig, P. 2009. An inexpensive multilevel array of sensors for direct ground water velocity measurement. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, v. 29, no. 2, 73-77.
  43. Bi, E., Devlin, J.F., Huang, B. 2009. Effects of mixing granular iron with sand on the kinetics of trichloroethylene reduction. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, v. 29, no. 2, 56-62.
  44. Labaky, W., Devlin, J.F., Gillham, R.W. 2009. Field comparison of the point velocity probe with other groundwater velocity measurement methods, Water Resources Research, v. 45, W00D30, doi:10.1029/2008WR007066.
  45. Labaky, W., Devlin, J.F., Gillham, R.W. 2007. A probe for measuring groundwater velocity at the centimetre scale. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 41, no. 24, 8453-8458.
  46. Devlin, J.F., McElwee, C.M. 2007. Effects of measurement error on horizontal hydraulic gradient estimates in an alluvial aquifer. Ground Water, v. 45, no. l, 62-73.
  47. Gierczak, R., Devlin, J.F., Rudolph, D. 2007. Field test of a cross-injection scheme for stimulating in situ denitrification near a municipal water supply well. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology v. 89, 48-70.
  48. Devlin, J.F., Sophocleous, M. 2006. Reply to Comment on "The persistence of the water budget myth and its relationship to sustainability" by J.F. Devlin and M. Sophocleous, Hydrogeology Journal, v. 14, 1386.
  49. Garven, N.L., Devlin, J.F. 2006. Minimizing mass transfer effects in granular iron batch tests using GEM reactors. Journal of Environmental Engineering, v. 132, no. 12, 1673-1676.
  50. Gierczak, R., Devlin, J.F., Rudolph, D. 2006. Combined use of laboratory and in situ hydraulic testing to predict preferred flow paths of solutions injected into an aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 82, 75-98.
  51. Devlin, J.F., Sophocleous, M. 2005. The persistence of the water budget myth and its relationship to sustainability. Hydrogeology Journal, v. 13, no. 4, 549-554.
  52. Marietta, M.L., Devlin, J.F. 2005. Separating the kinetic and sorption parameters of nitroaromatic compounds in contact with granular iron. Bringing Groundwater Quality Research to the Watershed Scale (Proceedings of GQ2004, the 4th International Groundwater Quality Conference, held at Waterloo, Canada, July 2004). IAHS Publ. 297, 2005, 376-382.
  53. Devlin, J.F., Allin, K.O. 2005. Major anion effects on the kinetics and reactivity of granular iron in glass encased magnet batch reactor experiments. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 39, no. 6, 1868-1874.
  54. Sophocleous, M., Devlin, J.F. 2004. Is natural recharge relevant to groundwater sustainable development? Letter to the editor, Ground Water, v. 42, no. 4, 618.
  55. Devlin, J.F., Katic, D., Barker, J.F. 2004. In situ sequenced bioremediation of mixed contaminants in groundwater. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 69, no. 3-4, 233-261.
  56. Bell, L.S.J., Devlin, J.F., Gillham, R.W., Binning, P.J. 2003. A sequential zero valent iron and aerobic biodegradation treatment system for the degradation of nitrobenzene. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 66, no. 3-4, 201-217.
  57. Devlin, J.F. 2003. Rationalizing geomorphology with an energy balance. Journal of Geological Education, v. 51, no. 4, 398-409.
  58. Devlin, J.F. 2003. A spreadsheet method of estimating best fit hydraulic gradients using head data from multiple wells. Ground Water, v. 41, no. 3, 316-320.
  59. Devlin, J.F., McMaster, M., and Barker, J.F. 2002. Hydrogeologic assessment of in situ natural attenuation in a controlled field experiment. Water Resources Research, v. 38, no. 1, 3-1 to 3-11.
  60. Devlin, J.F., D. Katic, McMaster, M., Barker, J.F. 2002. Evaluating natural attenuation in a controlled field experiment by mass balances, flux fences and snapshots: a comparison of results. Groundwater Quality Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution, S.F. Thornton and S. Oswald eds., IAHS Publication no. 275.
  61. Devlin, J.F., and Barbero, J. 2001. A method of estimating multicomponent NAPL mass in porous media using aqueous concentration ratios. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, v. 20, no. 11, 2443-2449.
  62. Goudar, C.T., Devlin, J.F. 2001. Nonlinear estimation of enzyme and microbial kinetic parameters from progress curve analysis. Water Environment Research, 73, 260-265.
  63. Devlin, J.F., Eedy, R., Butler, B.J. 2000. The effects of electron donor and granular iron on nitrate transformation rates in sediments from a municipal water supply aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 46, 81-97.
  64. Morkin, M., Devlin, J.F., Barker, J.F., Butler, B.J. 2000. In situ sequential treatment of a mixed contaminant plume. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 45, 283-302.
  65. Arildskov, N.P., Devlin, J.F. 2000. Field and laboratory evaluation of a diffusive emitter for semi-passive release of PCE to an aquifer. Ground Water, v. 38, no. 1, 129-138.
  66. Barker, J.F, Beland-Pelletier, C., Blaine, F., Devlin, J.F., King, M.W.G., Schirmer, M. 2000. Monitored natural attenuation; can mass flux through monitoring fences document mass loss in groundwater plumes? In: Groundwater 2000; Proceedings of the International conference on groundwater research. Poul L. Bjerg, Peter Engesgaard, Thomas D. Krom (eds.) 311-312.
  67. King, M., Barker, J.F., Devlin, J.F., and Butler, B. 1999. Migration and natural fate of a coal tar creosote plume 2. mass balance and biodegradation indicators. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 39, 281-307.
  68. Devlin, J.F., Mueller, D. 1999. Field and laboratory studies of carbon tetrachloride transformation in a sandy aquifer under sulfate reducing conditions. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 33, no. 7, 1021-1027.
  69. Devlin, J.F., Barker, J.F. 1999. Field demonstration of permeable wall flushing for biostimulation of shallow sandy aquifer, Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, v. 19, no. 1, 75-83.
  70. Devlin, J.F., Klausen, J., Schwarzenbach, R.P. 1998. Kinetics of nitroaromatic reduction on granular iron in recirculating batch experiments. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 32, no. 13, 1941-1947.
  71. Devlin, J.F., Barker, J.F. 1996. Field investigation of nutrient pulse mixing in an in situ biostimulation experiment, Water Resources Research, v. 32, no. 9, 2869-2877.
  72. Devlin, J.F. 1996. A method to assess analytical uncertainties over large concentration ranges with reference to volatile organics in water, Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, v. 16, no. 3, 179-185.
  73. Devlin, J.F., Parker B.L., 1996. Optimum hydraulic conductivity to limit contaminant flux through cutoff walls, Ground Water, v.34, no. 4, 719-726.
  74. Devlin, J.F., Barker, J.F. 1994. A semi-passive nutrient injection scheme for enhanced in situ bioremediation, Ground Water, v. 32, no. 3, 374-379.
  75. Devlin, J.F. 1994. A simple and powerful method of parameter estimation using simplex optimization, Ground Water, v. 32, no. 2, 323-327.
  76. Devlin, J.F. 1990. Field evidence for the effect of acetate on leachate alkalinity, Ground Water, v. 28, no. 6, 863-867.
  77. Devlin, J.F., Gorman, W.A. 1987. The distribution of volatile organic contaminants in a leachate plume, Gloucester, Ontario, Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada, v. 22, no. 1, 49-63.
  78. Devlin, J.F. 1987. Recommendations concerning materials and pumping systems used in the sampling of ground water contaminated with volatile organics, Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada, v. 22, no. 1, 65-72.
  79. Patterson, R.J., Devlin, J.F. 1985. An improved method for slug tests in small-diameter piezometers, Ground Water, v. 23, no. 6, 804-805.

Editorials, Opinions, Features

  1. Devlin, J.F., Parker, B.L., Rhoades, A.J.H., Stuetzle, R.J., Mahendra, S., Scalia, J., Blotevogel, J. 2024. Assimilative capacity is an under-utilized concept for regulating soil and groundwater contamination with important implications for site closure. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, in press.
  2. Blotevogel, J., Newell, C., Meyer, J., Karimi Askarani, K., Devlin, J.F. 2022. Data Management – an arcane old friend becoming “the Fourth Paradigm” of science. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, Summer, v. 42, no. 3.
  3. Devlin, J.F., 2022. In my experience: serendipity will find a way. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, Spring, v. 42, no. 2, 84-85.
  4. Devlin, J.F.. 2021. The special, enviable role of GWMR. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, Summer, v. 41, no. 3, 4-5.
  5. Devlin, J.F., Thomson, N. 2021. Business as usual, but what is usual? Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, Winter, v. 41, no. 1, 6-7.

Papers Submitted or in Revision

  1. Huang, B., Devlin, J.F. (In revision) Sorption and Reaction Contributions to Transformation Rates of Two Classes of Organic Contaminants in Granular Iron Columns. Submitted to Applied Geochemistry.

Papers in Preparation

(manuscripts are complete in their first draft)

  1. Firdous, R., Devlin, J.F., Marshall, C., Burris, N., Schillig, P., Bowen, I., Lyons, J. (in revision) Structural elucidation of Carbonaceous Material on the Surface of Granular Iron Reacting with Trichloroethene by Raman spectroscopy. In revision for submission to Applied Geochemistry.
  2. Smith, M.P., Devlin, J.F. (in preparation). Sorption of nitroaromatic compounds to Master Builders granular iron and its influence on the reduction of contaminants. For submission to Environmental Science and Technology.

Books and Technical Reports

  1. Aley, T., Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F., Goers, A. 2024. Practical Groundwater Tracing with Fluorescent Dyes. The Groundwater Project, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, downloadable at GWP_eBook, 211 pp.
  2. Liu, G., Devlin, J.F., Dietrich, P., Butler, J.J.jr. 2022. High resolution characterization of the shallow unconsolidated subsurface using direct push, nuclear magnetic resonance, and groundwater tracing technologies (accepted book chapter). In Advances in the Characterization and Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Subsurface Environment, edited by Jonas Garcia-Rincon, Ravi Naidu, Robert Lenhard, Estella Atekwana, Michael Rivet, and Evangelos Gatsios.
  3. Devlin, J.F. 2020. Groundwater velocity. The Groundwater Project, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, downloadable at GWP_eBook, 64 pp.
  4. Ducastel, B., Nief, N.,Segues, B., Ramade, N., Osorno, T.C., Devlin, J.F., Jordana, S., Bayer-Raich, M., Tudela, J., Credoz, A. 2020. R&D Report CADYLACQ DEMONSTRATOR, TOTAL SA EP/SCR/RD/PERL/ENV (France), 149 pp.
  5. Divine, C., Crimi, M., Devlin, J.F. 2020. Final report, demonstration and validation of the horizontal reactive media treatment well (HRX Well®) for managing contaminant plumes in complex geologic environments. ESTCP Project 16EB-ERI-046, May, 74pp.
  6. Osorno, T.C., Devlin, J.F., Cormican, A., Heyer, B., Jones, M. 2020. Progress Update Report on IWPVP and PVP Data Analysis for Neodesha, KS, November 2019. Addendum to the Biosparge Pilot Test and Amendment Injection Workplan submitted by Sovereign Consulting Inc. to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, May, 11 pp.
  7. Divine, C., Crimi, M., Devlin, J.F. 2017. Treatability test study report demonstration and validation of the horizontal reactive media treatment well (HRX Well®) for managing contaminant plumes in complex geologic environments. ESTCP Project 16EB-ERI-046, November, 56pp.
  8. Dyreborg, S., Anders, G.C. 2016. Fluxmåling i grundvand Sammenligning af metoder til bestemmelse af flux ved grundvandsforureninger (Measurement of flux in groundwater: comparison of methods for the determination of the flux of groundwater contaminants). Prepared by Niras for Miljø Fødevareministeriet Naturstyrelsen, Haraldsgade 53, 2100 København Ø, 73pp. Contributing scientists: Kerrn-Jespersen, I.H., Tuxen, N., Terkelsen, M., Pedersen, T., de Jonge, H., Annable, M.D., Devlin, J.F., Bjerg, P., Rønde, V., Christensen, A., Plenge Wamberg, M., Dyreborg, S.
  9. Zemansky, G., Devlin, J.F.. 2014. Groundwater point velocity probe testing at two upper Waikato sites, New Zealand. Prepared by Prime Hydrogeology Ltd. for Waikato Regional Council 401 Grey Street, Hamilton, New Zealand 3216, Project No. PHL-1403_03, September 2, 54 pp.
  10. Sale, T., Parker, B.L., Newell, C.J., Devlin, J.F. 2013. State-of-the-science review, Management of Contaminants Stored in Low Permeability Zones. SERDP Project ER-1740, 229 pp.
  11. Zemansky, G., Devlin, J.F., 2013. Point velocity probe technology transfer. GNS Science Consultancy Report 2013/199, Wairakei Research Centre, Taupo, New Zealand, August, 34 pp.
  12. McElwee, C.D., Engard, B.R., Wachter, B.J., Lyle, S.A., Healey, J., Devlin, J.F. 2011. Hydraulic tomography and high-resolution slug testing to determine hydraulic conductivity distributions. SERDP Project ER-1367, February, 168 pp.
  13. Molson, J.W., Thomson, N.R., Barker, J.F. Devlin, J.F., Mumford, K.G. 2001. Independent assessment and review of criteria for the development of Canada wide standards for petroleum hydrocarbons - models used and assumptions, Report to the Ontario Ministry of Environment, University of Waterloo, March.
  14. Barker, J.F., Butler, B.J., Cox, E., Devlin, J.F., Focht, R., Froud, S.M., Katic, D.J., McMaster, M., Morkin, M., Vogan, J. 2000. Sequenced reactive barriers for groundwater remediation. Edited by Stephanie Fiorenza, Carroll Oubre and Herb Ward, Lewis Publishers, Boca Rotan, Florida, 730 pp.

Conference Proceedings and Presentations

  1. Bekins, B., Cozzarelli, I., Devlin, J.F., Rosenberry, D.O., Jaeschke, J.B., Polite, B., Kirr, D. 2024. Tracing groundwater plume discharge into surface water using secondary contaminants at legacy hydrocarbon spill sites. Presented at the AGU24 Conference, Washington, D.C., December 9-13.
  2. Devlin, J.F., Heyer, B.R. 2024. New insights into the interpretation of fractured rock borehole hydraulics with an IWPVP. Presented at the University Consortium for Field Research, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, May 21 - May 24.
  3. Szydlowski, H., Devlin, J.F., Zanatta, C., Wiebe, A., Rudolph, D. 2024. Characterizing groundwater discharge to a stream in support of nutrient loading assessment: comparison of methods​. Presented at the University Consortium for Field Research, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, May 21 - May 24.
  4. Devlin, J.F. 2024. Velocity-Based Groundwater Investigations and Methods. Invited presentation. Virtual presentation to Groundwater Pollution Control and Remediation, College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, January 7.
  5. Devlin, J.F., Heyer, B.R., French, L., Jones, M., Osorno, T., Szydlowski, H. 2023. A velocity based approach to groundwater investigations. Presented at the 30th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, Lied Center of Kansas - Pavilion, Lawrence, Kansas, November 17.
  6. Devlin, J.F., French, L., Heyer, B.R., Jones, M., Osorno, T. 2023 Evidence for a fast flow zone benearth a muck-filled lake in Northern Minnesota. Presented at the University Consortium for Field Research, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, May 31 - June 2.
  7. Heyer, B.R., Munn, J.D., Devlin, J.F. 2023. Fractured rock-adapted IWPVPs: Advances and progress in flow characterization of boreholes intersecting multiple fractures. Presented at the University Consortium for Field Research, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, May 31 - June 2.
  8. French, L., Heyer, B., Osorno, T., Jones, M., Devlin, J.F. 2022. Groundwater-Lake Water Interaction Using Seepage Velocity Point Measurements at Crude Oil Spill Site. Presented at the 29th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, Lied Center of Kansas - Pavilion, Lawrence, Kansas, November 18.
  9. Devlin, J.F.. 2022. The tools of understanding (because to solve a problem you must first understand it).Invited Farvolden Lecturer, October 20, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
  10. Devlin, J.F.. 2022. The adaptable class - like a good soup - depends on the quality of its ingredients. Making Groundwater Knowledge Accessible through Visual and Experiential Learning. GSA Connects, Denver Colorado, October 9-12, v. 54 no. 5,
  11. Heyer, B., Osorno, T.C., Carrera, B.A., Mok, CM. W., and Devlin, J.F.. 2022. Development and deployment of a fractured rock-adapted IWPVP. Presented at the University Consortium for Field Research, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, June 6-9.
  12. Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T.C., Bohling, G. 2022. Transects for groundwater monitoring with input from geostatistics. Presented at the University Consortium for Field Research, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, June 6-9.
  13. Devlin, J.F. 2021. SBPVP revelations/confirmations of flow measured at the groundwater-surface water interface. Invited presentation at the Geological Survey of America Annual Meeting, 10-13 October, Portland.
  14. Ottosen,C.B., Rønde, V., McKnight, U.S., Annable, M.D., Broholm, M.M., Devlin, J.F., Bjerg, P.L. 2021. Integrated assessment to assess natural attenuation of a chlorinated ethene plume discharging to a stream. Brownfield Summit 2021 Conference, Groundwater, online April, 20-21.
  15. Osorno, T.C., Heyer, Devlin, J.F. 2021. Case studies showing the use and value of point velocity measurements. Invited presentation for REMTEC Remediation Technology Summit, Virtual Summit, March 9-11.
  16. Ducastel, B., Nief, N., Segues, B., Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F., Douard, V., Grandjean, M., Monier, P., Mary, A., Jordana, S., Credoz, A. 2021. Demonstration of an Innovative Solution for Groundwater Characterization and Monitoring on Industrial Site. Aquaconsoil 2021, Digital conference, June 14th – June 18th.
  17. Credoz, A., Ducastel, B., Nief, N., Ramade, N., Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F., Jordana, S., Bayer-Raich, M., Senechal, G., Rousset, D., Douard, V., Monier, P. 2021. An innovative solution groundwater characterization and monitoring below O&G sites: from the lab to the industrial demonstrator scale. Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, November 8-11.
  18. Devlin, J.F., Jones, M.M., Osorno, T.C., Heyer, B.R., Trost, J.J. Bekins, B.A. 2020. Hydrogeologic investigation of flow into and through Unnamed Lake, Bemidji, MN. Presented at the Geological Survey of America Annual Meeting, 25–28 October, Montréal (virtual).
  19. Heyer, B.R., Osorno, T.C., Carrera, B.A., Mok, C.M., Devlin, J.F. 2020. Measuring flux with the in-well point velocity probe in fractured media. Presented at the Geological Survey of America Annual Meeting, 25–28 October, Montréal (virtual).
  20. Bayer-Raich, M., Credoz, A., Osorno, T., Jordana, S., Nief, N., Ducastel, B., Guimerà, J. Devlin, J.F. 2020. Coupled Navier-Stokes and Darcy flow modelling for in-well groundwater investigation. Comsol Conference Europe (online), October 14-15.
  21. Bjerg, P.L. Rønde, V., Ottosen, C.B., Broholm, M.M., McKnight, U.S. Devlin, J.F., Annable, M. 2021. Conceptual site models for risk assessment of groundwater contaminants discharging to streams. 2021 Combined Chlorinated and Bioremediation Conference, June 27-July 1, Portland, Oregon.
  22. Osorno, T.C., Devlin, J.F., Bohling, G.C. 2020. Geostatistical Approach for Predicting Contaminant Transport Using Direct Groundwater Velocity Measurements. Presented at the Consortium for Field Research. June 16-18, Online from Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
  23. Jones, M.M., Devlin, J.F.. 2020. Quantification of groundwater seepage velocity in a lakebed overlain by a thick muck layer, Bemidji, MN. Presented at the Consortium for Field Research. June 16-18, Online from Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
  24. Heyer, B.R., Osorno, T. C., Carrera, B.A., Mok, C.M., Devlin, J.F.. 2020. Measuring water flux in fractured rock with the In-Well Point Velocity Probe. Presented at the Consortium for Field Research. June 16-18, Online from Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
  25. Heyer, B. R., Osorno, T. C., Carrera, B.A., Mok, C.M.W., and Devlin, J.F. 2019. Testing of an in-well point velocity probe (IWPVP) for use in fractured rock. 28th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, Topeka, Kansas, November 22.
  26. Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T.C. , Cormican, A.M., Heyer, B.R., Jones M. 2019. Direct Groundwater Velocity and Specific Discharge Measurements in Aquifers, Surface Water Sediments, and Fractured Rock Using Centimeter-scale Tracer Tests. Invited presentation. Annual GSA meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, September 22-25.
  27. Heyer, B., Osorno, T.C., Carrera, B.,Mok, C.M., Devlin, J.F. 2019. Application of the In-Well Point Velocity Probe (IWPVP) in Fractured Media. Annual GSA meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, September 22-25.
  28. Jones,M.M., Devlin, J.F. 2019. Quantifying Groundwater Flow through a Lake Bed Down-Gradient from a Decades-Old Oil Spill near Bemidji, Minnesota Using the Streambed Point Velocity Probe. Annual GSA meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, September 22-25.
  29. Cormican, A. M., Osorno, T. C., Hodge, B., Nzeribe, B. N., Crimi, M., Divine, C. E., Devlin, J.F. 2019. Validation of PVP measurement accuracy within an HRX well cartridge. Annual GSA meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, September 22-25.
  30. Bayer-Raich, M., Credoz, A., Osorno, T., Jordana, S., Nief, N., Ducastel, B., Guimerà, J., Devlin, J.F. 2019. Numerical simulation of water flow through observation boreholes: Measurements with Colloidal Borescope (CB) and In-Well-Point-Velocity-Probe (IWPVP). IAH Congress, Malaga, Spain, September, 22 to 27.
  31. Osorno, T.C., Devlin, J.F. 2019. An overview of the family of point velocity probe (PVP) instruments. Webinar presented to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, July 3.
  32. Osorno, T.C., Devlin, J.F., Bohling, G.C. 2019. Geostatistical Examination of the Borden Aquifer. Presented at the Consortium for Field Research, June 4-6, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
  33. Devlin, J.F., Heyer, B., Osorno, T.C. 2019. Preliminary Work Using PVPs in Fractured Rock. Presented at the Consortium for Field Research. June 4-6, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
  34. Osorno, T.C., Devlin, J.F., Bohling, G.C. 2019. High-Resolution Characterization and Geostatistical Analysis of Aquifer Structure Using Direct Groundwater Velocity Measurements. NovCare, May 29-31, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
  35. Devlin, J.F., 2019. Past and future directions for the family of point velocity probe (PVP) instruments. Invited keynote presentation, NovCare, May 29-31, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
  36. Credoz, A., Nief, N., Hedacq, R, Ducastel, B., Cazes, L., Jordana, S., Bayer-Raich, M. Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F. 2019. Innovative characterization tools for dynamic monitoring of groundwater and dissolved contaminants. Presented at Aquaconsoil 2019, session ThS 2a2 Passive sampling and mass flux measurements,20-24 May, Antwerp, Belgium.
  37. McKnight, U., Sonne, A.Th., Rønde, V., Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., Rasmussen, J.J., Traunspurger, W., Höss, S., Bjerg, P.L. 2019. Innovative approaches for characterizing groundwater contaminant plumes impacting aquatic ecosystems in peri-urban streams. GAC-MAC-IAH/CNC, May 12-15, Quebec City, Canada.
  38. Cormican, A., Devlin, J.F. 2018. Grain size analysis and permeametry for the design of PRBs with mixed porous media. 27th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, Topeka, Nov. 16th.
  39. Devlin, J.F. 2018. How groundwater velocity measurements can strongly support aquifer characterisation studies. Invited keynote presentation at NORDROCS 7th Joint Nordic meeting on Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Helsingor, Denmark, Sept. 3-6.
  40. Devlin, J.F. 2018. Importance of in-situ direct flux measurements to inform contaminant hydrogeology. Consortium for field- based research, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, June 5-7.
  41. Divine, C., McDonough, J., Wright, J., Wang, J., Crimi, M., Devlin, J.F. 2018. Demonstration and validation of the horizontal reactive media treatment well (HRX well ®) for passive in situ remediation. Batelle Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Palm Springs, CA. April 8-12.
  42. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., McKnight, U.S., Bjerg, P., Nairn, R.W. 2018. Validation of a new device to quantify groundwater-surface water exchange. Invited for presentation at Bodenphysik, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Rostock, Deutchland, January 26.
  43. Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F., 2017. Field testing of an in-well point velocity probe for the rapid characterization of groundwater velocity. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Dec. 11-15.
  44. Devlin, J.F. Cremeans, MM., Rønde, V., McKnight, U.,Bjerg, P.L. Osorno, T., Balbarini, N., Binning, P., Nairn, R. 2017. Field study to measure contaminant mass discharges into a Danish Stream. 26th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, Topeka, Nov. 17th.
  45. Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F. 2017. Update on the development and laboratory testing on an in-well point velocity probe. 26th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, Topeka, Nov. 17th.
  46. Devlin, J.F. Cremeans, MM., Ronde, V., McKnight, U.,Bjerg, P.L. Osorno, T., Balbarini, N., Binning, P., Nairn, R. 2017. The streambed PVP for characterizing groundwater-stream water interactions: development, laboratory and field testing. University Consortium 2017 Fall Focus Meeting Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, Oct. 31 - Nov. 1.
  47. Devlin, J.F.. 2017. A tale of two aquifers: how quaternary geology affected the hydrogeology of remediation at two Ontario sites. Annual GSA Meeting, Seattle, Washington, Oct. 22-25.
  48. Cremeans, M.M.,Devlin, J.F., McKnight, U.S., Bjerg, P.L.. 2017. Application of a new point measurement device to estimate groundwater-surface water exchange. Annual GSA Meeting, Seattle, Washington, Oct. 22-25.
  49. Cremeans, M.M., McKnight, U.S., Bjerg, P.L., Nairn, R.W., Devlin, J.F.. 2017. Evaluating groundwater-surface water exchange with a new point measurement device. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Dec. 11-15.
  50. Cremeans, M.M., Osorno, T.C., Devlin, J.F.. 2017. New Field instrumentation and approaches to characterizing groundwater flow systems. Webinar presented to Dow and Dupont, October 4.
  51. Divine, C., Crimi, M., Devlin, J.F. 2017. The horizontal reactive media treatment well (HRX WellTM) for passive in-situ remediation. Remtech Europe, Ferrara, Italy, September, 20-22.
  52. Cremeans, M.M. Devlin, J.F., McKnight, U.S., Bjerg, P.L. 2017. Application of a new point measurement device to quantify groundwater-surface water interactions at the interface. HydroEco, June 18-23, Birmingham, UK.
  53. Cremeans, M.M. Devlin, J.F., McKnight, U.S., Bjerg, P.L. 2017. Validation of a new device to quantify groundwater-surface water exchange. NovCare, June 6-9, Dresden, Germany.
  54. Osorno, T. Devlin, J.F., 2017. Development of an in-well point velocity probe for the rapid characterization of groundwater velocity at the centimeter-scale . NovCare, June 6-9, Dresden, Germany.
  55. Devlin, J.F., Cremeans, M.M., Osorno, T., Firdous, R., Rønde, V., McKnight, U., Bjerg, P. 2017. Development and applications of PVP-based probes for groundwater velocity measurement. Hydrocarbon Summit, Univeristy of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, April 9-10.
  56. Devlin, J.F., Cremeans, M.M., Osorno, T, Firdous, R., Rønde, V.,McKnight, U., Bjerg, P. 2017. Extensions of the point velocity probe to groundwater-surface water interactions and rapid responses using monitoring wells. Invited for presentation at RemTEC, March 7-9, Denver, Colorado USA.
  57. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F. 2016. application of a new point measurement device to quantify groundwater-surface water interactions in a stream in Jutland, Denmark. 25th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, Topeka, Nov. 18th.
  58. Tuxen, N., Kerrn-Jespersen, I.H., Dyreborg, S., Christensen A.G., Plenge Wamberg, M., de Jonge, H., Annable, M.D., Devlin, J.F., Pedersen, T., Rønde, V., Bjerg, P.L. 2016. Comparison study of different methods for estimation of mass discharge in aquifers, NORDOCS 2016, the 6th Joint Nordic Meeting on Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Aalto University, Finland, September 5-8.
  59. Devlin, J.F., Cremeans, M.M., Rønde, V. McKnight U., Bjerg, P.L., Osorno T., Balbarini, N., Binning, P. 2016. The streambed PVP for characterizing groundwater-stream water interactions: development, laboratory and field testing. Invited for presentation at the University Consortium for Field-Focused Groundwater Contamination Research, University of Guelph,Guelph, Ontario, Canada, June 13-15.
  60. Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F. 2016. Development of a point velocity probe for in-well use. NGWA Groundwater Summit, Denver, April 24-27.
  61. Tuxen, N., Kerrn-Jespersen, I.H., Pedersen, T., de Jonge, H., Devlin, J.F., Annable, M., Bjerg, P.L., Rønde, V.K. 2016. Comparison study of different methods for estimation of contaminant mass discharge in aquifers. Tenth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Batelle, Palm Springs, California, May 22-26.
  62. Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F. 2015. Development and laboratory testing on an in-well point velocity probe. 24th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, Topeka, Nov. 20th.
  63. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F. 2015. Preliminary testing of a streambed PVP, and its application to groundwater-surface water interactions in a stream in Jutland, Denmark. 24th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, Topeka, Nov. 20th.
  64. Devlin, J.F., Cremeans, M.M., Osorno, T., Rønde, V.K., McKnight, U.S., Bjerg, P. 2015. Point measurements to quantify groundwater discharge to a stream, Grindsted, Denmark. Presented at the 60th Annual Midwest Groundwater Conference, Bentoneville, Arkansas, October 13-15.
  65. Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F. 2015. Update on the in-well PVP. Presented at the Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Summit meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, September 17.
  66. Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T. 2015. Update on in-well PVP. Presented to DTU Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Sept. 16.
  67. Devlin, J.F., Cremeans, M.M., Rønde, V.K., McKnight, U.S. 2015. Update on streambed discharge measurement program, Grindsted. Presented at the biannual GEOCON meeting, DTU, Denmark, Sept. 15.
  68. Rønde, V.K., McKnight, U.S.,Sonne,A.T., Balborini, N., Devlin, J.F., Cremeans, M.M., Bjerg, P. 2015. Using point velocity probes (PVPs) to quantify the contaminant mass discharge to streams. Presented at the ATV Jord og Grundvand meeting, Technical University of Denmark, Sept. 22.
  69. c, V.K., Sonne, A.T., McKnight, U.S., Devlin, J.F., Bjerg, P. 2015. Kvantificering af forureningsflux til et vandløb ved hjælp af point velocity probes (PVP). ATV vintermøde.
  70. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C., Rudolph, D. 2015. Upscaling of point velocity probes (PVPs) measurements for comparison with Darcy-derived groundwater velocity, NovCare, 19-21 May, Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
  71. Rønde, V.K., McKnight, U.S., Sonne, A.T., Devlin, J.F., Bjerg, P.L. 2015. The use of point velocity probes (PVPs) for quantification of the groundwater-borne contaminant mass discharge to a stream. Presented by M. Cremeans at NovCare, 19-21 May, Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
  72. Devlin, J.F. 2015. A cross-section of point velocity probe applications. RemTEC, March 1-4, Denver, Colorado USA.
  73. Zemansky, G., Devlin, J.F., Hatfield, J. 2014. Testing point velocity probes (PVPs) in different NZ lithologies. New Zealand Hydrological Society, Blenheim, NZ, 24-28 November.
  74. Devlin, J.F. 2014. A case for direct groundwater velocity measurements. Presented at the 59th Annual Midwest Ground Water Conference, September 30-October 2, Lawrence, Kansas.
  75. Devlin, J.F. 2014. Adaptations and case studies of PVPs in various hydrogeological settings. Presented at the Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Summit meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, September 17.
  76. Devlin, J.F. 2014. Estimating Contaminant Mass Discharge With Instrumental Measurements of Groundwater Velocity. Presented at the first GEOCON meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 8.
  77. Devlin, J.F. 2014. Field Experiences Measuring Groundwater Velocity With Point Velocity Probes Invited for presentation at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 13.
  78. Devlin, J.F., McKnight, U.S., Sonne, A.T., Bjerg, P.L., Schillig, P. 2013. Field experiences measuring groundwater velocities with point velocity probes (PVPs) in remediation programs and near discharge zones. Invited for presentation at Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU), Lund, Sweden, Dec. 12.
  79. Devlin, J.F. 2013. Experiences measuring groundwater velocity with point velocity probes: case studies and comparative studies. Invited for presentation at the University of Copenhagen, Dec. 4.
  80. Devlin, J.F. 2013. Comparison of groundwater velocity probes(porous media). Invited for presentation at the ATV Jord og Grundvand meeting, Technical University of Denmark, Dec. 3.
  81. Devlin, J.F. 2013. Review of groundwater velocity measurement devices for use in porous media. Invited for presentation at the ATV Jord og Grundvand meeting, Technical University of Denmark, Dec. 3.
  82. Devlin, J.F. 2013. Experiences measuring groundwater velocity with point velocity probes. Invited for presentation at the ATV Jord og Grundvand meeting, Technical University of Denmark, Dec. 3.
  83. Devlin, J.F. 2013. Importance and measurement of groundwater velocity for in situ water treatment. Invited for presentation at the Chemistry and Risk Assessment Research Group meeting, Technical Univeristy of Denmark, Lyngby campus, Nov. 28.
  84. Zemansky, G., Devlin, J.F. 2013. Point velocity probes for measuring groundwater velocity. New Zealand Hydrological Society, Palmerston North, NZ, 19-22 November.
  85. Devlin, J.F., Ursula McKnight, Anne Sonne, Poul Bjerg. 2013. Update On PVP application to groundwater-surface water interaction. For presentation at the Water Resource Research Section Group meeting, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby campus, Nov. 26.
  86. Devlin, J.F. 2013. How do you do? Research at KU. Invited for presentation at the Environmental Engineering Section meeting, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby campus, Oct. 22.
  87. Devlin, J.F. 2013. Point velocity probes 101. Invited for presentation at the Broholm Research Group meeting, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby campus, Sept. 30.
  88. Devlin, J.F. 2013. An update on point velocity probe advances. Invited for presentation at the 9th Annual Hydrocarbon Summit, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 28-29.
  89. Devlin, J.F. 2013. Development of Point Velocity Probes for the Direct Measurement of Groundwater Velocities in Porous Media. Invited for presentation at GNS, Taupo, New Zealand, July 10.
  90. Devlin, J.F., Huang, B., Firdous, R. 2013. Testing the KIM approach to granular iron characterisation with a model and surface chemistry analysis. 8th IAHS International Groundwater Quality Conference (GQ13), Managing Groundwater Quality to Support Competing Human and Ecological Needs. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, April 21-26.
  91. Gibson, B., Devlin, J.F. 2013. 360 degree point velocity probe: Measuring groundwater flow direction and magnitude. NGWA Groundwater Summit. April 28-May 2, San Antonio, Texas.
  92. Walter, K., Devlin, J.F. 2012. Design and testing of 3D printed point velocity probes. 21th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, AIH, AEG, Nov. 18, Topeka.
  93. Eichler, A., Devlin, J.F. 2012. Measuring diffusion coefficients in heterogeneous media. G-Hawker Symposium, Alumni Center, University of Kansas, September 22.
  94. Eichler, A., Devlin, J.F. 2012. Measuring Diffusion Coefficients in Permeable Porous Media. Innovate and Integrate: Succeeding as a Groundwater Professional in a Water-Short World, 2012 NGWA Ground Water Summit, May 6-10, Garden Grove, California.
  95. Devlin, J.F. 2012. Experiences measuring groundwater velocities with PVPs. Innovate and Integrate: Succeeding as a Groundwater Professional in a Water-Short World, 2012 NGWA Ground Water Summit, May 6-10, Garden Grove, California.
  96. Rudolph, D.L., Shaw, J., Schillig, P.C., Devlin, J.F., Critchley, C. 2012. Integration of physical hydrogeologic data to enhance the performance of an in situ denitrification system in a heterogeneous aquifer. Innovate and Integrate: Succeeding as a Groundwater Professional in a Water-Short World, 2012 NGWA Ground Water Summit, May 6-10, Garden Grove, California.
  97. McMaster, M., Wealthall, G., Barros, N., Zimmerman, L., Schillig, P.C., Devlin, J.F. 2012. Assessing groundwater flow velocity at multiple measurement scales. Innovate and Integrate: Succeeding as a Groundwater Professional in a Water-Short World, 2012 NGWA Ground Water Summit, May 6-10, Garden Grove, California.
  98. Tom Sale, Steve Chapman, Beth Parker, Chuck Newell, J.F. Devlin, 2011, Basic Research Addressing Contaminants in Low Permeability Zones (ER-1740), SERDP/ESTCP Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop, Washington DC, Nov. 29- Dec. 1.
  99. Firdous, R., Eichler, A., Devlin, J.F. 2011. Reactive and diffusive transport in porous media. 20th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, AIH, AEG, Nov. 18, Topeka.
  100. Devlin, J.F.,Schillig, P., Rudolph, D., Critchley, K., Bowen, I., Thomson N.R., Walter, K., Hirmas, D. 2011. Assessment of groundwater velocity measurements with PVPs. Invited for presentation at the Solinst Sympsium on Groundwater Innovation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 27-28.
  101. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C., Bowen, I., Rudolph, D.L., Thomson, N.R., Tsoflias, G.P., Roberts, J.A. 2011. Applications and implications of direct groundwater velocity measurement at the centimetre scale. GQ10: Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World, Proc. 7th International Groundwater Quality Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 13-18 June 2010, 50-53.
  102. Hassaoui, J., Molson, J.W., Devlin, J.F. 2011. Estimating the mass of residual NAPL source zones: Numerical screening of the RME approach, Proc.: IAH-CNC/CANQUA conference: GeoHydro 2011, August 28-31, Quebec, QC.
  103. Devlin, J.F., Bowen, I., Thomson N.R., Walter, K., Hirmas, D. 2011. PVPs present and future. Invited for presentation at the Hydrocarbon Summit, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, July 12-15.
  104. Devlin, J.F., Schillig,P.C., Bowen, I., Rudolph, D.L., Thomson, N.R. 2011. PVPs 3D. Invited for presentation at the 2011 North American Environmental Field Conference and Exposition: Advances and Innovations in Environmental Site Characterization, Sampling, Monitoring and Remediation Technology, San Diego, California, January 10-13.
  105. Devlin, J.F., Firdous, R., Huang, B. 2010. Aging, discrimination, and alignment affect granular iron effectiveness in PRBs. 19th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar Sponsored by the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) - Kansas Section and Association of Engineering Geologist (AEG) - Kansas City/Omaha Section, November 19, Topeka, KS.
  106. Devlin, J.F. 2010. New directions in research: in situ treatment of organics in groundwater. Invited for presentation at the Workshop on Soil and Groundwater Protection Technology in Oil Industry, CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environment Technology, Beijing, China, August 11-13.
  107. Devlin, J.F. 2010. Special nature of treatment zones/granular iron reactivity research, Invited for presentation at the China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China, August 10.
  108. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C., Bowen, I., Tsoflias, G.P., Rudolph, D.L., Thomson, N.R. Patterson, E. 2010. Advances in tools for detailed aquifer characterization. Invited for presentation to the Hydrocarbon Summit, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, July 20.
  109. Devlin, J.F. 2010. Integrating Scales of Observation to Investigate Granular Iron Reactivity. Invited for presentation to the Dept. of Chemistry, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, July 19.
  110. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C., Bowen, I., Rudolph, D.L., Thomson, N.R., Tsoflias, G.P., Roberts, J.A. 2010. Applications and implications of direct groundwater velocity measurement at the centimetre scale Presented at the Groundwater Quality (GQ) 2010 Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 13-18.
  111. Bowen, I., Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P., Critchley, K., Rudolph, D. 2010. Case study of groundwater remediation of non-point source nitrate. Invited for presentation at Toward Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture, Water Education Foundation, U.C. Davis, San Franscisco, June 15-17.
  112. Devlin, J.F. 2010. A hydrogeologist's perspective on granular iron chemistry. Invited for presentation at the University Consortium for Field-Focused Groundwater Contamination Research, Annual Meeting, University of Guelph, May 19-21.
  113. Tsoflias, G., Schillig, P.C., McGlashan, M., Roberts, J.A., Devlin, J.F. 2010. Field and laboratory GPR monitoring of biological activity in saturated porous media. Invited for presentation at European Geosciences Union (EGU) meeting in Vienna, May 2-7.
  114. Devlin, J.F. 2010. Point velocity probes (PVPs) from the drawing board to the field. Invited for presentation at the 2010 North American Environmental Field Conference and Exposition: Advances and Innovations in Environmental Site Characterization, Sampling, Monitoring and Remediation Technology, Tampa, Florida, January 12-14.
  115. Bowen, I., Schillig, P.C., Devlin, J.F. 2009. Darcy's Law validation by direct velocity measurements in contaminant hydrogeology. 18th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar Sponsored by the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) - Kansas Section and Association of Engineering Geologist (AEG) - Kansas City/Omaha Section, November 20, Topeka, KS.
  116. Devlin, J.F. 2009. Transient heterogeneity and reactivity in groundwater treatment zones. Invited for presentation at the Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, September 29.
  117. Huang, B., Bi, E., Bowen, I., Devlin, J.F. 2009. Models link fundamental research with practice: PRB examples. Presented at the Ground Water Summit and 2009 Ground Water Protection Council Spring Meeting, NGWA, April 19-23, Tuscon, Arizona.
  118. Devlin, J.F. 2009. Advancing the hydrogeological study of treatment zones. Invited Presented at the School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, January 13.
  119. Huang, B., Devlin, J.F., Bi, E. 2008. Models in hydrogeology: not just for predictions. 17th Annual Kansas Hydrogeology Seminar, American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) - Kansas Section, and the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologist (AEG) - Kansas City/Omaha Section, November 21, Topeka, KS.
  120. Devlin, J.F. 2008. The hydrogeology of treatment zones. Invited presentation for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), Topeka, Kansas, Nov. 24.
  121. Devlin, J.F. 2008. The effect of bioremediation on flow. Presentation at the Oxygenates & Hydrocarbons Summit, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, October 29 - 31.
  122. Hasiotis, S. T., Fairchild, J., Wallace, T., Counts, J.W., Devlin, J.F., Hembree, D.I., and Smith, J.J., 2008. Field and laboratory studies on the effects of bioturbation on porosity and permeability in the vadose zone in continental settings: How ichnopedologic fabric shapes and modifies aquitards, aquicludes, aquifers, and tomorrow's reservoirs and seals. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Houston, Texas, October 8, 1 p.
  123. Schillig, P.C., Devlin, J.F., Roberts, J.A., Tsoflias, G.P. 2008. The effects of microbial activity on the hydrogeology of a biostimulated aquifer. 7th International Symposium for Subsurface Microbiology, Shizuoka, Japan, Nov. 16-21.
  124. Schillig P. C., Tsoflias G. P., Roberts J.A., Devlin, J.F., Patterson, E. M. 2008. Time-lapse GPR Monitoring of Enhanced Biological Activity in a Sandbox Reactor, AGU Chapman Conference on Biogeophysics, Portland, Maine USA, October 13-16 (B8).
  125. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P., Tsoflias, G., McGlashan, M., Roberts, J.A. 2008. A new tool for groundwater velocity measurement and its applications. Invited Presented at the 2008 North American Environmental Field Conference and Exposition: Advances in Environmental Site Characterization Sampling and Monitoring Technology, Tampa, Florida, Jan. 14-16.
  126. Bowen, I., Devlin, J.F. 2007. Effect of anion mixtures on iron reactivity. 16th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar Sponsored by the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) - Kansas Section and Association of Engineering Geologist (AEG) - Kansas City/Omaha Section, November 16, Topeka, KS.
  127. Schillig, P., Devlin, J.F. 2007. Tracking subsurface microbial activity in bioremediation with PVPs and GPR. 16th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar Sponsored by the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) - Kansas Section and Association of Engineering Geologist (AEG) - Kansas City/Omaha Section, November 16, Topeka, KS.
  128. Huang, B., Devlin, J.F. 2007. Comparison of TCE and PCE reaction on granular iron in GEM and Column experiments. Presented at the G-Hawker Symposium, Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, Oct. 20.
  129. Schillig, P., Devlin, J.F. 2007. Using mutilevel groundwater velocity measurements and ground penetrating radar to identify enhanced biological activity in an aquifer contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. Presented at the G-Hawker Symposium, Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, Oct. 20.
  130. Patterson, E., Devlin, J.F. 2007. Investigation of GPR response to microbial growth in a tank experiment. Presented at the G-Hawker Symposium, Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, Oct. 20.
  131. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C., McGlashan, M.A.,Tsoflias, G.P., Roberts, J.A. 2007. Investigating transient heterogeneity in a bioactive hydrocarbon plume using GPR and PVPs. Invited for presentation at the 2007 Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union, Acapulco, Mexico, May 22-25.
  132. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C., McGlashan, M.A., Tsoflias, G.P., Mackay, D.M. 2007. Transient Heterogeneity Below the Water Table and Effects on Contaminant Plumes. Presented at the 2007 Ground Water Summit,National Ground Water Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 29-May 3.
  133. Devlin, J.F. 2007. Successes and challenges using the cross-injection system for bioremediation. Invited for presentation at the University Consortium for Field - Focused Groundwater Contamination Research, Annual Progress Meeting: April 17-19,Hockley Valley Resort, Orangeville, Ontario.
  134. Schillig, P.C., Kinnebrew, N., Devlin, J.F. 2007. Assessing A tool to measure groundwater velocities at the centimeter scale Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the South-Central Section, 41st Annual Meeting of the North-Central Section, Geological Society of America, Lawrence, Kansas, 11-13 April.
  135. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C., McGlashan, M.A.,Tsoflias, G.P. 2006. Direct groundwater velocity estimates from PVP AND GPR measurements. Presented at the GSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 22-25.
  136. Schillig, P.C., Devlin, J.F., McGlashan, M.A.,Tsoflias, G.P. 2006. A novel approach for aquifer characterization based on direct groundwater velocity measurements and GPR. Presented at the GSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 22-25.
  137. Devlin, J.F. 2006. Overcoming hydrogeological challenges in bioremediation with the Cross-Injection System. Invited for presentation at the RTDF (Remediation Technologies Demonstration Forum), sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Dupont Corporation Remediation Group, Charleston, SC, Oct. 10-11.
  138. Huang, B., Devlin, J.F. 2006. Comparison of TCE reaction on granular iron in GEM experiments with the literature. Presented at the GHawker symposium, Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, October.
  139. Tsoflias, G.P., Devlin, J.F., Roberts, J.A., McGlashan, M.A., Schillig, P.C., Barker, J.F., Naas, C., Endres, A. and Piggott, S. 2006. Hydrogeophysical monitoring of a homogeneous aquifer response to a modern gasoline fuel contaminant plume: preliminary observations, Society of Exploration Geophysicists 2006 Hydrogeophysics Workshop, 31 July - 2 August, Vancouver, BC Canada (accepted).
  140. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P., McGlashan, M., Tsoflias, G. 2006. Progress On GPR/PVP investigation of a biodegrading petroleum plume, CFB Borden, Ontario. Presented to the Petroleum Summit, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, June.
  141. Devlin, J.F. 2006. The Cross-Injection System (CIS)for bioremediation. Invited speaker at a meeting of engineers and planners of Oxford County, Ontario, June.
  142. Devlin, J.F. 2006. The application of nitroaromatic "probe" compounds in hydrogeology. Invited for presentation at the 231st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Atlanta, March 26-30.
  143. Devlin, J.F. 2006. From small things. Invited talk at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, March 16.
  144. Devlin, J.F. 2006. Development of point velocity probes for the direct measurement of groundwater velocities in porous media. Invited talk for the Association of Engineering Geologists, Kansas City/Omaha Section, Kansas City, February 9.
  145. Devlin, J.F., Sophocleous, M. 2005. The water budget myth explored. Invited for presentation at "Whose Water Is It Anyway? Emerging Conflicts about the Role of Ground Water as Source of Supply", a workshop at the NGWA Ground Water Expo, Cobb County, Georgia.
  146. Devlin, J.F., Allin, K.O., Dambacher, M., Marietta, M., Moylan, J. 2005. Investigating performance limits of granular iron reactive barriers in groundwaters of different geochemical compositions. Second International Symposium on Permeable Reactive Barriers and Reactive Zones, Organized by Vito, Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Nov. 14-16, Antwerp, Belgium.
  147. McGlashan, M., Devlin, J.F., Tsoflias, G. 2005. High resolution ground water velocity monitoring using multi-level point velocity probes. Presented at the 50th Annual Midwest Ground Water Conference, Nov. 1-3, Urbana, Illinois, USA.
  148. Schillig, P.C., McGlashan, M.A., Devlin J. F., G.P. Tsoflias. 2005. Geophysics meets hydrogeology while characterizing heterogeneity in the world's most homogeneous aquifer. 14th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar, American Institute of Hydrology and Association of Engineering Geologists, Nov. 18, Topeka, Kansas.
  149. Devlin, J.F. Allin, K.O., Odziemkowski, M. 2005. The reactivity and surface chemistry of granular iron in various geochemical settings. Presented at Goldschmidt05, May 20-25, Moscow, Idaho, USA.
  150. Devlin, J.F., Moylan, J. 2005. Iron filings and silver bullets: lessons learned about iron PRBs. Presented at the AGWSE Ground Water Summit, San Antonio, TX, April 18-20.
  151. Dambacher, M., Devlin, J.F. 2005. Iron PRBs in treatment trains: reasons for optimism. Presented at the AGWSE Ground Water Summit, San Antonio, TX, April 18-20.
  152. Devlin, J.F. 2005. Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics: tried and true but not for permeable reactive barriers. Presented at the 229th ACS National Meeting March 13-17, San Diego, CA.
  153. Marietta, M., Devlin, J.F. 2005. Comparison of two methods for distinguishing sorption and reaction in granular iron systems. Presented at the 229th ACS National Meeting, March 13-17, San Diego, CA.
  154. Devlin, J.F. 2005. Shaken not stirred: good for 007 but not for permeable reactive barriers. Invited talk given to the Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, Jan. 20.
  155. Devlin, J.F., Dambacher, M., Marietta, M., Patchen, J. 2004. Understanding how iron PRBs work: putting down barriers. 13th Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar Sponsored by the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) - Kansas Section and Association of Engineering Geologist (AEG) - Kansas City/Omaha Section, November 19, Topeka, KS.
  156. Devlin, J.F. 2004. The Future of hydrogeology lies in something old something new something borrowed and something else. Presented at the GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, Colorado, November 7-10.
  157. Devlin, J.F., Patchen, J. 2004. The effect of diluting granular iron with a non-reactive porous medium on contaminant transformation rates. Presented at the 5th Joint Conference of the IAH-CNC and the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS), Quebec City, October 24-27.
  158. McElwee, C.D., Devlin, J.F. 2004. Measuring a Small Hydraulic Gradient in the Presence of Noise. Presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2004, San Franscisco, abstract #H13B-0402.
  159. Marietta, M., Devlin, J.F. 2004. Sorption vs. reaction for three nitroaromatic compounds reacting with granular iron. Presented at the G-Hawker Symposium, Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, Oct.
  160. Dambacher M., Devlin, J.F. 2004. Reactivity vs. permeability in granular iron reactive barriers. Presented at the G-Hawker Symposium, Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, Oct.
  161. Burris, N., Devlin, J.F. 2004. Comparison of stirring methods for kinetic experiments with granular iron. Presented at the G-Hawker Symposium, Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, Oct.
  162. Devlin, J.F. 2004. Building a better iron PRB should be as simple as possible but not simpler. Invited talk presented to the Kansas City/Omaha Section of the AEG, June 23, Kansas City.
  163. Devlin, J.F., Adamski, J. 2003. Demonstrating Sequenced Remediation as a Beneficial Alternative to Natural Attenuation and Bioaugmentation . 12TH Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar Sponsored by the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) - Kansas Section and Association of Engineering Geologist (AEG) - Kansas City/Omaha Section, November 20, Topeka, KS.
  164. Patchen, J., Devlin, J.F. 2003. An assessment of Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics for modeling granular iron reactive barrier performance. Presented at the G-Hawker Symposium, Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
  165. Devlin, J.F. March, C. 2003. Investigating the kinetic limitations of granular iron over a large range of 4-chloronitrobenzene concentrations. Presented at the 225th American Chemical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 23.
  166. Devlin, J.F., Smith, M. 2002. The Case of the Like-Minded Daughter (The role of organic carbon in reduction reactions on granular iron). 11TH Annual Kansas Hydrology Seminar Sponsored by the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) - Kansas Section and Association of Engineering Geologist (AEG) - Kansas City/Omaha Section, November 22, Topeka, KS.
  167. Devlin, J.F. 2002. Can nutrient additions make sense when natural attenuation is occurring anyway? Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition, October 27-30, 2002.
  168. Gierczak, R., Devlin, J.F. 2002. Field Scale In Situ Denitrification Within A Municipal Water Supply Aquifer. National Conference on Agricultural Nutrients and Their Impact on Rural Water Quality, April 28-30.
  169. Smith, M.P. Devlin, J.F. 2001. Using nitroaromatic compounds to investigate the reactivity of carbon on Master Builders granular iron: implications for contaminant degradation in permeable reactive barriers. Presented at An Earth Odyssey, AIH and Canadian Geotechnical Society, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
  170. Bell, L.S.J, Devlin, J.F., Gillham, R.W., Binning, P.J. 2001. A sequential multi-zone treatment system for the degradation of nitroaromatics. 2nd Australia - New Zealand Conference on Environmental Geotechnics, Newcastle Town Hall, Newcastle, Australia, November 28 - 30, 2001.
  171. Devlin, J.F., McMaster, M., Barker, J.F. 2001. Evaluating Natural Attenuation in a Controlled Field Experiment by Mass Balances, Flux Fences and Snapshots: A Comparison of Results. For presentation at Groundwater Quality 2001, 3rd International Conference, University of Sheffield, June 18-21.
  172. Barker, J.F., Belland-Pelletier, C., Blaine, F., Devlin, J.F., King, M.W.G., Schirmer, M., 2000. Monitored natural attenuation: can mass flux through monitoring fences document mass loss in groundwater plumes? Proceedings of the International Conference on Groundwater Research, Groundwater 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 6-8, 2000, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  173. Devlin, J.F. 2000. Contrasting results of three aquifer redox manipulation experiments. Invited speaker at the GSA topical session Redox Manipulation for Groundwater Remediation, November 13-16, Reno, Nevada.
  174. Devlin, J.F., Gierczak, R. 2000. Some abiotic and biotic ramifications of pulsed carbon additions to aquifers. Presented at the 220th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chemical-biological interactions in contaminant fate, 20-25 August 2000, Washington, DC.
  175. Devlin, J.F. 2000. A controlled test of PCE, CT and TOL natural attenuation. Presented at the Solvents in Groundwater Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut, May 9-11.
  176. Devlin, J.F., Morkin, M., Repta, C. 2000. Incorporating surface saturation effects into iron wall design calculations. In Chemical Oxidation and Reactive Barriers: Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, volume C2-6, the Second International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, California, May 22-25,G.B. Wickramanayake, A.R. Gavaskar and A.S.C. Chen, eds., Batelle Press, Columbus, 393-400.
  177. Devlin, J.F. 1999. Characterisation and remediation of contamination below the water table. Invited for presentation at Enough Clean Groundwater For All Needs, A Science Cluster Groundwater Workshop sponsored by the Ontario Ministries of the Environment, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Northern Development and Mines and Natural Resources, Dorset, Ontario, Sept. 20-22.
  178. Barker, J.F., Devlin, J.F., McMaster, M.L., Butler, B.J., Froud, S.M., Katic, D.J., Morkin, M. 1998. Passive and semi-passive techniques for groundwater remediation. Presented (by J.F. Devlin) at the 8th Southern States Annual Environmental Conference and Exhibition, Biloxi, Mississippi, September 22-24.
  179. Butler, B.J., Devlin, J.F., 1998, Biodegradation of mixed organic contaminants in anaerobic aquifer microcosms. Presented at the Canadian Society of Microbiologists Annual Meeting, June 14-17, Guelph, Ontario.
  180. Devlin, J.F., 1997, Semi-passive remediation of ground water contaminated with long-term sources of organics. Presented at the NGWA Annual Meeting, Biological Aspects of Ground Water, Las Vegas, September 4-6.
  181. Devlin, J.F., Klausen, J., Schwarzenbach, R.P. 1997, Kinetic studies of zero valent iron reactivity using nitroaromatics individually and in competition experiments, for presentation at the 217th American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 13-17.
  182. Devlin, J.F., 1997, Laboratory and field transformations of carbon tetrachloride in sulfate reducing environments, for presentation at the 217th American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 13-17.
  183. Froud, S.M., Gillham, R.W., Barker, J.F., Devlin J.F., Brown, M.J., McMaster, M.L., 1997, Sequential treatment using abiotic reductive dechlorination and enhanced bioremediation. In In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, Battelle Press, Columbus, OH. v. 4, 249-254.
  184. Devlin, J.F., 1996, Developments in semi-passive groundwater remediation, Invited for presentation at the ETH short course on Ground Water Modelling and Remediation, March.
  185. Devlin, J.F., 1995, Semi passive in situ bioremediation of chlorinated solvents: lessons from a field experiment, presented at the OPUS meeting, Ascona, Switzerland, Sept.
  186. Devlin, J.F., 1995, In situ measurement of substrate depletion in groundwater by sulphate reducing bacteria during a natural gradient biostimulation experiment, in the Proceedings of Solutions '95, IAH, Edmonton, June, 6 pp.
  187. Devlin, J.F., 1995, Intrinsic bioremediation of a creosote plume and semi-passive methods of plume control, presented at the annual meeting of Quebec Engineers, Laval, Quebec, April.
  188. Barker, J.F., Weber, J., Fyfe, J.S., Devlin, J.F., Mackay, D.M., Cherry, J.A., 1993, Efficient addition technology for in situ bioremediation, in Proceedings of the GasRep Symposium, September, Quebec City, 12 pp.
  189. Devlin, J.F., 1993, A semi-passive nutrient injection system for enhanced in situ bioremediation, in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and International Symposium on Engineering Hydrology, A.S.C.E. Hydraulics Division, San Francisco, 6 p.
  190. Devlin, J.F., Barker, J.F. 1990, The transport of sequential biodegradation products assuming first order and dual Monod kinetics, presented at the 6th Eastern Region Conference, Canadian Association on Water Pollution Research and Control, Nov., McGill University, Montreal.
  191. Devlin, J.F., Woeller, R.M., Smith, D., 1988, Assessment of overland flow biological treatment technology for the removal of organic compounds from groundwater, in Proceedings of the conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater, v. 2, National Water Well Association, Houston, Nov., p. 785-808.
  192. Woeller, R.M., Devlin, J.F., Smith, D., Cook, D., Mosquin, T., 1987, Assessment of overland flow biological treatment technology for removal of organic compounds from groundwater, in the Proceedings from the Technology Transfer Conference, part C, paper no. C11, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, 13p.
  193. Elliott, L.C.M., Devlin, J.F., Michel F.A., Gorman, W.A., 1986, An investigation into the redox conditions of a landfill leachate plume containing volatile organics, Gloucester, Ontario, in The Proceedings of the Technology Transfer Conference, part C, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, 272-293.
  194. Devlin, J.F., 1986, Evaluation of some of the materials and pumping systems available for use in sampling ground water contaminated with volatile organics, in The Proceedings of the Third Annual Eastern Regional Ground Water Conference, Springfield, Massachusetts, National Water Well Association, 503-526.
  195. Devlin, J.F., Gorman, W.A., 1985, The distribution of volatile organic contaminants in a leachate plume, Gloucester, Ontario, in The Proceedings of the Technology Transfer Conference no. 6, part 3, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, 47-85.

Posters and Abstracts

  1. Szydlowski, H., Devlin, J.F., Rudolph, D. 2023. Survey of flow and nitrate mass discharge to an Ontario Creek. Poster presented at the Groundwater Week, NGWA, December 4-7, Las Vegas.
  2. Heyer, B.R., Munn, J.D., Devlin, J.F., 2023. Advances in Adapting a Novel Tool for Measurement of Discrete Fracture Flux. Poster presented at the Groundwater Week, NGWA, December 4-7, Las Vegas.
  3. Szydlowski, H., Devlin, J.F., Rudolph, D. 2023. Use of bioremediation for in situ denitrification of agricultural impacted groundwater. Presented at the University Consortium for Field Research, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, May 31 - June 2.
  4. French, L., Heyer, B., Osorno, T., Jones, M., Devlin, J.F. 2022. Using Seepage Velocity Point Measurements to Characterize Groundwater-Lake Water Interaction at an Oil Spill Site. Poster presented at the Groundwater Week, NGWA, December 6-8, Las Vegas.
  5. Heyer, B.R., Osorno, T.C., Carrera, B.A., Mok, C.M.W., Devlin, J.F., A novel tool for direct measurement of discrete fracture flow. Poster presented at the Groundwater Week, NGWA, December 6-8, Las Vegas.
  6. Szydlowski, H., Devlin, J.F. 2022. In situ denitrification of agricultural nitrate in groundwater. Poster presented at the Groundwater Week, NGWA, December 6-8, Las Vegas.
  7. French, L., Heyer, B., Osorno, T., Jones, M., Devlin, J.F. 2022. Using Seepage Velocity Point Measurements to Characterize Groundwater-Lake Water Interaction at an Oil Spill Site. Poster presented at the Governor's Water Conference, Manhattan KS, Nov. 15-16.
  8. Szydlowski, H., Devlin, J.F. 2022. In situ denitrification of agricultural nitrate in groundwater. Poster presented at the Governor's Water Conference, Manhattan KS, Nov. 15-16.
  9. Divine, C., Wright, J., Wang, J., McDonough, J., Kladias M., Crimi, M., Nzeribe, B., Devlin, J.F., Lubrecht, M., Hodge, B., Voscott, H., Gerber, K. 2019. The Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment Well (HRX Well®) — Demonstration of a New Technology for Passive In-Situ Remediation . Poster presented at the Remediation Technology Summit (RemTEC), Denver, Colorado, February 26-28.
  10. Devlin, J.F., Hodge, B., Nzeribe, B.N., Crimi, M., Divine, C.E., Wright, J. 2018. The Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment Well (HRX Well®) for Passive In Situ Remediation: Selection of Treatment Medium and Velocity Probe TestingPoster presented at the SERDP/ESTCP Symposium, Washington, Nov. 27-29.
  11. Divine, C.E., Wright, J., Wang, J., McDonought, J., Kladias, M., Crimi, M., Nzeribe, B.N., Devlin, J.F., Lubrecht, M., Ombalski, D., Hodge, B., Voscott, H., Gerber, K. 2018. The Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment Well (HRX Well®) for Passive In Situ Remediation: Design, Implementation, and Sustainability Considerations. Poster presented at the SERDP/ESTCP Symposium, Washington, Nov. 27-29.
  12. Crimi, M., Nzeribe, B., Li, W., Divine, C., McDonough, J., Wang, J., Devlin, J.F., Hodge, B. 2018. The Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment (HRXTM) Well for Passive In Situ Remediation: Pilot Tests. Poster presented at the SERDP/ESTCP Symposium, Washington, Nov. 27-29.
  13. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F. 2017. Field Studies of Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange With a New Point Measurement Device. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Dec. 11-15.
  14. Vinni Rønde, V., McKnight, U.S., Annable, M.D., Devlin, J.F., Cremeans, M.M., Sonne, A.T., Bjerg, P.L. 2017 Attenuation of a discharging chlorinated ethene (CE) plume: use of streambed point velocity probes (SBPVP), streambed passive flux meters (SBPFM) and contaminant mass discharge (CMD). AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Dec. 11-15.
  15. Crimi, M., Devlin, J.F., Divine, C., Nzeribe, B., Hodge, B., McDonough, J., Feng, M., Li, W. 2017. Pilot-scale demonstration of the horizontal reactive media treatment (HRX Well) for passive in-situ Remediation. SERDP-ESTCP Symposium, Washington DC, November 28-30.
  16. Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F. 2016. Development and Testing of an In-well Point Velocity Probe for Rapid Site Characterization. Presented at the Governor's Water Conference, Manhattan, KS, Nov. 14-15.
  17. Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F. 2016. Development of a point velocity probe for in-well use. G-Hawker Symposium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Sept. 16.
  18. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F. 2016. Application of a new point measurement device to quantify groundwater-surface water interactions in a stream in Jutland, Denmark. G-Hawker Symposium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Sept. 16.
  19. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T. McKnight, U., Rønde, V., Bjerg, P. 2015. Using Point Velocity Probes to Understand the Connection Between Stream and Groundwater Systems . Capitol Graduate Research Summit, Topeka, Kansas, February 2.
  20. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T. 2015. Preliminary laboratory testing of a streambed PVP, and its application to groundwater-surface water interactions (update). Self Fellowship Symposium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, December.
  21. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T. McKnight, U., Rønde, V., Bjerg, P. 2015. Preliminary Testing of a Streambed PVP, and its Application toGroundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a Stream in Jutland, Denmark . AGU Chapman: The MADE Challenge for Groundwater Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers, October 5-8, Valencia, Spain.
  22. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T. McKnight, U., Rønde, V., Bjerg, P. 2015. Preliminary Testing of a Streambed PVP, and its Application toGroundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a Stream in Jutland, Denmark . G-Hawker Symposium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, September.
  23. Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T. 2014. Preliminary laboratory testing of a streambed PVP, and its application to groundwater-surface water interactions. Self Fellowship Symposium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, December.
  24. Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P., Gibson, B. 2013. Measuring transient groundwater velocities in aquifers with point velocity probes. 8th IAHS International Groundwater Quality Conference (GQ13), Managing Groundwater Quality to Support Competing Human and Ecological Needs. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, April 21-26.
  25. Gibson, B.,Devlin, J.F. 2012. 360 degree point velocity probe: Measuring groundwater flow direction and magnitude. Governor's Conference on the Future of Water in Kansas, October 30-31, Manhattan, KS.
  26. Gibson, B.,Devlin, J.F. 2012. 360 degree point velocity probe: Measuring groundwater flow direction and magnitude. GHawker symposium, Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, September.
  27. Taylor, B., Walter, K., Schillig, P., Devlin, J.F. 2011. Detecting Groundwater Velocity with a Point Velocity Probe. SACNAS, Empowering Innovation and Synergy Through Diversity, Oct. 27-30, San Jose, California.
  28. Kelly, H.S., Devlin, J.F. 2011. Effect of Mixed Anions - (SO42- - ClO4- ) and (SO42- - NO3-) on Fe0 Reactivity. SACNAS, Empowering Innovation and Synergy Through Diversity, Oct. 27-30, San Jose, California.
  29. Kelly, H.S., Devlin, J.F. 2010. Effect of mixed anions (HCO3- - SO42-, ClO4- - SO42-) on Fe0 reactivity. Presented at the University of Kansas-Haskell Indian Nations University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Haskell University, Lawrence, KS, April 20.
  30. Devlin, J.F., Huang, B. 2010. The changing role of sorption in granular iron aging and reactivity. Presented at the Groundwater Quality (GQ) 2010 Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 13-18.
  31. Kelly, H.S., Devlin, J.F. 2009. Effect of mixed anions (ClO4- - SO42-) on Fe0 reactivity. Presented at the University of Kansas-Haskell Indian Nations University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Haskell University, Lawrence, KS, April 28.
  32. Patterson, E.M., Schillig, P.C., Tsoflias,G.P., Devlin, J.F., Roberts, J.A. 2007. A laboratory tank experiment to investigate the effects of microbial growth on water flow and GPR wave propagation. Presented at the 2007 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, San Francisco.
  33. Schillig, P.C., McGlashan, M.A., Devlin, J.F., Tsoflias,G.P., Roberts, J.A. Using groundwater point velocity probes and ground penetrating radar to investigate microbially mediated changes in flow properties of a contaminated aquifer. Presentated at the 2007 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, San Francisco.
  34. Schillig, P.C., McGlashan, M.A., Devlin, J.F., Tsoflias,G.P., Roberts, J.A. Using groundwater point velocity probes and ground penetrating radar to investigate microbially mediated changes in flow properties of a contaminated aquifer. Presentated at the 2007 Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union, May 22-25, Acapulco, Mexico.
  35. Schillig, P.C., Devlin, J.F., Kinnebrew, N., McGlashan, M.A., Tsoflias, G.P. 2007. Measurement of centimeter-scale groundwater velocities and observations of transient heterogeneity in a contaminated aquifer. Presented at the 2007 Ground Water Summit,National Ground Water Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 29-May 3.
  36. McElwee, C., Devlin, J.F. 2004. Measuring a small hydraulic gradient in the presence of noise. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 13-17, San Francisco.
  37. McGlashan M. A., Tsoflias G. P., Devlin J. F., Schillig, P.C. 2005. characterizing high resolution aquifer heterogeneities using borehole radar and multi-level point velocity probes. EOS Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet., Suppl., San Franscisco, Abstract H41F-0478.
  38. Burris, N.L., Devlin, J.F. 2005. Assessment of three mixing methods for studying reaction kinetics with granular iron. Presented at the University of Kansas-Haskell Indian Nations University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Haskell University, Lawrence, KS, May 3.
  39. Dambacher, M., Devlin, J.F. 2004. Permeability versus surface reactivity on the longevity of granular iron reactive barriers. Presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting and Exposition, Geological Society of America, Nov. 7-10, Denver.
  40. Burris, N., Devlin, J.F. 2004. Assessment of three mixing methods for studying reaction kinetics with granular iron. Presented at the SACNAS Conference, Austin, TX, Oct. 21-24.
  41. Marietta, M., Devlin, J.F. 2004. Separating kinetic and sorption parameters for the nitroaromatic compounds 4ClNB and 4ACNB in contact with granular iron. Presented at GQ2004, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, July 18-22.
  42. Devlin, J.F., Leuty, J. 2003. Investigating the nature and reactivity of reactive sites on granular iron. Presented at the NGWA/AGWSE Annual Meeting and Conference, Dec. 9-12, Orlando.
  43. Devlin, J.F., Allin, K.O. 2003. Using kinetic studies to investigate the effects of groundwater geochemistry on granular iron reactivity. Presented at the NGWA/AGWSE Annual Meeting and Conference, Dec. 9-12, Orlando.
  44.  Allin, K.O., Devlin, J.F. 2000. Effect of water geochemistry on the reactivity of granular iron. Presentation at the Second International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, May 22-25, Monterey, California.
  45. Devlin, J.F., Gierczak, R.F., Eedy, R., Butler, B.J. 1999. In situ denitrification, technology application within a municipal water supply aquifer, Baden, Ontario. Presented at the CRESTech Innovation Network ‘99, Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto, Sept.29.
  46. Devlin, J.F. 1998. Distinguishing abiotic and biotic degradation of carbon tetrachloride in sulphate reducing environments using product ratios. Presented at the Gordon Conference on Environmental Sciences, Water, New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire, June 14-19.
  47. Devlin, J.F., and J.F. Barker, 1993, In situ bioremediation of dissolved chlorinated solvents using a novel nutrient injection scheme, presented at In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation, The Second International Symposium, Battelle, San Diego.
  48. Devlin, J.F., and J.F. Barker, 1992, In situ bioremediation of dissolved chlorinated solvents using a novel nutrient injection scheme, presented at Aquifer Restoration: Pump-and-Treat Alternatives, N.G.W.A., Las Vegas.

Professional Short Courses, Webinars and Lectures

  1. Osorno, T.C., Heyer, B., Devlin, J.F. 2021. An overview of the family of point velocity probe (PVP) instruments. Invited Webinar given to Ramboll, January 27, 2021.
  2. Devlin, J.F. Point Velocity Measurements in Aquifers and at the Groundwater- Surface Water Interface. An Introduction to the Instruments and a case study at Unnamed Lake, MN. Invited presentation for the Groundwater-Surface water class given by Dr. Masaki Hayashi, University of Alberta, November 3, 2020.
  3. Devlin, J.F. 2017. An introduction to PVPs. Presented at the Workshop on fabrication and application of point velocity probes, September 26-28, Lawrence, KS.
  4. Devlin, J.F., Osorno, T., Cremeans, M.M. 2017. Field data challenges. Presented at the Workshop on fabrication and application of point velocity probes, September 26-28, Lawrence, KS.
  5. Devlin, J.F. 2016. Clocking the tortoise: Measuring the speed that water moves in the ground. Presented at the Univerisity of Kansas Mini College, Lawrence, Kansas, June 6-9.
  6. Devlin, J.F. 2015. Introduction to the processes of water flow and contaminant transport - Why we collect the data we do. Presented at the Introduction to contaminated-site investigation methods workshop Workshop, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, October 3.
  7. Devlin, J.F. 2015. Using Phase 1 and Phase 2 data to inform risk assessment - working with numbers. Presented at the Introduction to contaminated-site investigation methods workshop Workshop, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, October 3.
  8. Devlin, J.F. 2013. Using VelProbe 3.0. Presented at the PVP Workshop, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, June 5-6.
  9. Devlin, J.F. 2013. PVP Installation. Presented at the PVP Workshop, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, June 5-6.
  10. Gibson, B., Devlin, J.F. 2013. Lab tests of the point velocity probes. Presented at the PVP Workshop, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, June 5-6.
  11. Devlin, J.F. 2013. Development of point velocity probes for the direct measurement of groundwater velocities in porous media. Presented at the PVP Workshop, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, June 5-6.
  12. Devlin, J.F. 2012. Stories of groundwater pollution and the lessons they teach for Kansas. Presented at the University of Kansas Mini College, Lawrence, Kansas, June 4-6.
  13. Devlin, J.F. 2011. Removing dry cleaning fluid stains from water With rust. Presented at the Univerisity of Kansas Mini College, Lawrence, Kansas, June 6-9.
  14. Devlin, J.F., J.F. Barker. 2000. Treating mixed contaminant plumes with in situ anaerobic-aerobic sequenced technologies. Presented at the Waterloo In Situ Course, Monitored Natural Attenuation and In Situ Remediation of Groundwater, June 26-29, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  15. Devlin, J.F., 1999. Treating mixed contaminant plumes with in situ anaerobic-aerobic sequenced technologies. Presented at the Waterloo In Situ Course, Monitored Natural Attenuation and In Situ Remediation of Groundwater, June 21-24, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  16. Devlin, J.F., 1998. Natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents in groundwater. Presented at the Natural Attenuation and In Situ Remediation Short Course, June 8-11, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
  17. Devlin, J.F., 1997, Intrinsic remediation of chlorinated solvents, Presented at Technologies for the Intrinsic and Semi-Passive In Situ Remediation of Groundwater, May 12-15, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
  18. Devlin, J.F., 1996, Review of the reduction of organics by zero valent iron, Presented at Use of Models in Soil and Groundwater Remediation, 17th International Course, ETH Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich, March 4-8, Zurich, Switzerland.
  19. Devlin, J.F., 1995, Physical aspects of plumes in porous and fractured media, Presented at Migration and Remediation of Dissolved Organic Contaminants in Groundwater, Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, April 10-13, San Francisco.
  20. Devlin, J.F., 1995, Groundwater plumes entering streams and rivers, Presented at Migration and Remediation of Dissolved Organic Contaminants in Groundwater, Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, April 10-13, San Francisco.
  21. Devlin, J.F., 1995, Bioremediation techniques: chlorinated aliphatics, Presented at Migration and Remediation of Dissolved Organic Contaminants in Groundwater, Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, April 10-13, San Francisco.
  22. Devlin, J.F., 1995, Development and design of funnel-and-gates: physical flow, Presented at Migration and Remediation of Dissolved Organic Contaminants in Groundwater, Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, April 10-13, San Francisco.
  23. Devlin, J.F., 1994, Bioremediation of Halogenated Aliphatics, Presented at Migration and Remediation of Dissolved Organic Contaminants in Groundwater, Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, May 15-18, Arlington, Virginia.
  24. Devlin, J.F., 1993, Bioremediation of Halogenated Aliphatics, Presented at Migration and Remediation of Dissolved Organic Contaminants in Groundwater, Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, Feb. 15-18, Chicago.
  25. Devlin, J.F., 1992, Bioremediation of Halogenated Organics, Presented at Migration and Remediation of Dissolved Organic Contaminants in Groundwater, Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, Feb. 24-27, Chicago.

Last Updated
January 3, 2025