Page Contents
- Courses taught
- Field trips
- Teaching highlights
Contaminants in Groundwater
This trip takes place over 3 days. The stops include Big Brutus, the Tar Creek
Superfund area, a constructed wetland for groundwater treatment (with help from
Dr. Nairn, U of Oklahoma), the Ozark Underground Laboratories, and one of the first
permeable reactive barriers installed on an industrial site, Kansas City.
Exploring Karst Terrane
This field trip takes place over three days. The stops include
the Missouri State Part Ha Ha Tonka, The Ozark Underground Labs, Blanchard
Caverns in Arkansas, and Bluffdwellers Cave near Noel, Missouri. The processes
of landscape evolution in karst areas, surface and cave morphologies, and the
hydrology of karst regaions are reviewed.
Glaciation of Northeastern Kansas
This field trip occurs in one day. The area visited is located across the Kansas
River from Wamego, KS. A cut bank in an alluvial terrace on Mill Creek, and a
topographic high point on bedrock are characterized for the appearance of erratics.
A ridge made up of many erratics of similar size is visited. A likely spillway
that may have drained a proglacial lake is visited. The field evidence is used to
hypothesize on the location of the glacial front and the number of ice advances in
the area.
River Geomorphology
This field trip occurs in one afternoon. Stops include a dammed river, a sandbar,
river terraces, meander scrolls, a scour feature, flood levels marked on a Lawrence
landmark, outcrop of sandstone with braided river deposits.
Soils of Douglas County
This field trip occurs in one day. Kansas soils are predominantly mollisols. However,
this trip finds examples of buried soils, till, vertical accretion on a floodplain, soils
formed from sediments and those formed in situ, colluvial soils, and soil on dunes of sand.
Soil textures and structures are examined and their implications for water drainage
Publication of
Devlin, J.F., Brookfield, A., Huang, B., Schillig, P.C. 2012. Using the Domenico
Solution to Teach Contaminant Transport Modeling
Journal of Geological Education, v. 60, no. 2, 123-132.
developed as a Contaminant Transport exercise.
Winning the Kemper award for teaching excellence, August, 2010.
Publication of
Devlin, J.F. 2003. Rationalizing geomorphology with an energy balance.
Journal of Geological Education, v. 51, no. 4, 398-409.
developed as a Geomorphology course lecture.
Publication of
Devlin, J.F. 2003. A spreadsheet method of estimating best fit hydraulic gradients using
head data from multiple wells. Ground Water, v. 41, no. 3, 316-320..
developed as a Contaminant Transport course lecture.